Rabu, 29 April 2015


Clause adalah kelompok kata yang mengandung subject dan predicate.Clause mungkin berupa sentence(dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai suatu kalimat: independent clause) atau seperti sentence (tidak dapat berdiri sendiri: dependent clause) yang berada di dalam complex sentence
Pengertian Adjective Clause
Adjective clause atau relative clauseadalah dependent clause yang berfungsi sebagai adjective dan menjelaskan noun atau pronoun padamain clause dari suatu complex sentence (kalimat yang terdiri dariindependent clause dan satu atau lebih dependent clause).
Posisi adjective clause selalu mengikuti noun atau pronoun yang diterangkannya. Di dalam kalimat, noun atau pronoun itu berfungsi sebagai subject atau object.Adjective clause dimulai dengan suatu kata yang disebut relative pronoun (who, whom, that, which, whose, etc) yang berfungsi menjembatani hubungan dengannoun atau pronoun yang diterangkannya.

Contoh Adjective Clause
  • Adjective Clause pada Complex Sentence (kalimat kompleks) : The movie that we saw last morning was very good.
  • Adjective Clause dengan Relative Pronoun : I thanked the woman who helped me.
  • Adjective Clause dengan Subordinate Conjunctions “where” dan “when” :
Adjective Clause menggunakan “where” 
The building is very old. He lives in that building (there).
  1. The building where he lives is very old.
  2. The building in which he lives is very old.
  3. The building which he lives in is very old.
(Artinya : Bangunan dimana dia tinggal itu sangat tua.)
Where digunakan pada adjective clause untuk merubah tempat (negara, kota, ruangan, rumah, dll). Jika wheredigunakan, preposition tidak digunakan dalam adjective clause (seperti contoh 1). Tetapi jika where tidak digunakan,relative pronoun dan preposition harus digunakan (seperti contoh 2 & 3).
Adjective Clause menggunakan “when”
I’ll never forget the day. I met you (on that day).
  1. I’ll never forget the day when I met you.
  2. I’ll never forget the day that I met you.
(Artinya : Saya tidak akan pernah melupakan hari ketika saya bertemu dengan kamu.)
When digunakan pada adjective clause untuk merubah kata benda dari waktu (tahun, hari, waktu, dll).

Pengertian Adverbial Clause

Adverbial clause adalah dependent clause yang berfungsi sebagaiadverb (kata keterangan) dan memberikan informasi tentang verb,adjective, atau adverb yang berada pada independent clause dengankapasitasnya menjawab pertanyaan: howwhenwherewhy, atau to what degree. 
Adverbial clause dimulai dengan suatu kata yang disebut subordinate conjunction (when, after, because, though, etc). Kata ini berguna untuk menjembatani hubungan dengan independent clause yang diterangkan. Gabungan klausa ini dengan independent clause dinamakan dengan complex sentence, yaitu kalimat yang terdiri dari independent dan satu atau lebih dependent clause.
Macam-macam adverbial clause antara lain: adverbial clause of time (waktu), place(tempat), cause & effect (sebab & akibat), purpose & result (tujuan & hasil), condition(pengandaian), contrast/consession (pertentangan), manner (cara), dan reason(alasan).

Macam-macam dan Contoh Kalimat Adverbial Clause:
  • Adverb Clause of Time – Adverb Clause of Time adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan waktu. Untuk menunjukkan adverb clause of time kita bisa menggunakan subordinating conjunctions, seperti: after, as long as, as soon as, before, since, until, when, whenever, while.
Contoh Kalimat Adverb Clause of Time:
When I was writing an diary book, my friend came.
Before I read history book, I was read a novel.
The coach met with her players after the game was over.
  • Adverb Clause of Place – Adverb Clause of Place adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan tempat, dan dapat menggunakan subordinating conjunction: where, wherever, anywhere, everywhere.
Contoh Kalimat Adverb Clause of Place:
You may go wherever you want.
Anywhere you go, sports stars are national heroes.
Wherever you are,I’ll be able to find you.
  • Adverb Clause of Reason - Adverb Clause of Reason adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan alasan, kita dapat menggunakan subordinating conjunctions: as, because, since.
Contoh Kalimat Adverb Clause of Reason:
Since it’s raining so heavily, I can’t go out.
Lissa doesn’t go to school because she is sick.
He was unable to play in the final games as he had hurt his ankle.
  • Adverb Clause of Manner – Adverb Clause of Manner adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan cara.
Contoh Kalimat Adverb Clause of Manner:
Do as I ask you to do.
  • Adverb Clause of Contrast / Concession – Adverb Clause of Contrast adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan perbedaan atau pertentangan. kita dapat menggunakan subordinating conjunctions: altough, even, though, while, where as untuk menunjukkan adverb clause of contrast.
Contoh Kalimat Adverb Clause of Contrast:
He is still poor although he has worked so hard.
Even though I don’t have much money, I will try to help him.
They won the game, though they didn’t really deserve the victory.
  • Adverb Clause of Condition – Adverb Clause of Condition adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan syarat, kita dapat menggunakan subordinating conjunctions: if, even if, only if, unless.
Contoh Kalimat Adverb Clause of Condition
You’ll succeed, if you do your best.
If I were a bird, I would fly.
You won’t be rich unless you work hard.
You will be comfortable inside the house even if it’s cold and raining outside.
  • Adverb Clause of Result – Adverb Clause of Result adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan akibat.
Contoh Kalimat Adverb Clause of Result:
She is so short that she can’t become a stewardess.
She studies so hard that she is successful in her study.
  • Adverb Clause of Purpose – Adverb Clause of Purpose adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan tujuan.
Contoh Kalimat Adverb Clause of Purpose:
Susan takes a computer lesson in order that she can get a job easily.
People eat nutritious food so that they will keep healthy.
  • Adverb Clause of Comparison – Adverb Clause of Comparison adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan perbandingan.
Contoh Kalimat Adverb Clause of Comparison:
Johan can speak English as fluently as his teacher.
An elephant is stronger than a rabbit.
Macam-macam dan Contoh Kalimat Adverbial Clause:
  • Adverb Clause of Time – Adverb Clause of Time adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan waktu. Untuk menunjukkan adverb clause of time kita bisa menggunakan subordinating conjunctions, seperti: after, as long as, as soon as, before, since, until, when, whenever, while.
Contoh Kalimat Adverb Clause of Time:
When I was writing an diary book, my friend came.
Before I read history book, I was read a novel.
The coach met with her players after the game was over.
  • Adverb Clause of Place – Adverb Clause of Place adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan tempat, dan dapat menggunakan subordinating conjunction: where, wherever, anywhere, everywhere.
Contoh Kalimat Adverb Clause of Place:
You may go wherever you want.
Anywhere you go, sports stars are national heroes.
Wherever you are,I’ll be able to find you.
  • Adverb Clause of Reason - Adverb Clause of Reason adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan alasan, kita dapat menggunakan subordinating conjunctions: as, because, since.
Contoh Kalimat Adverb Clause of Reason:
Since it’s raining so heavily, I can’t go out.
Lissa doesn’t go to school because she is sick.
He was unable to play in the final games as he had hurt his ankle.
  • Adverb Clause of Manner – Adverb Clause of Manner adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan cara.
Contoh Kalimat Adverb Clause of Manner:
Do as I ask you to do.
  • Adverb Clause of Contrast / Concession – Adverb Clause of Contrast adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan perbedaan atau pertentangan. kita dapat menggunakan subordinating conjunctions: altough, even, though, while, where as untuk menunjukkan adverb clause of contrast.
Contoh Kalimat Adverb Clause of Contrast:
He is still poor although he has worked so hard.
Even though I don’t have much money, I will try to help him.
They won the game, though they didn’t really deserve the victory.
  • Adverb Clause of Condition – Adverb Clause of Condition adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan syarat, kita dapat menggunakan subordinating conjunctions: if, even if, only if, unless.
Contoh Kalimat Adverb Clause of Condition
You’ll succeed, if you do your best.
If I were a bird, I would fly.
You won’t be rich unless you work hard.
You will be comfortable inside the house even if it’s cold and raining outside.
  • Adverb Clause of Result – Adverb Clause of Result adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan akibat.
Contoh Kalimat Adverb Clause of Result:
She is so short that she can’t become a stewardess.
She studies so hard that she is successful in her study.
  • Adverb Clause of Purpose – Adverb Clause of Purpose adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan tujuan.
Contoh Kalimat Adverb Clause of Purpose:
Susan takes a computer lesson in order that she can get a job easily.
People eat nutritious food so that they will keep healthy.
  • Adverb Clause of Comparison – Adverb Clause of Comparison adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan perbandingan.
Contoh Kalimat Adverb Clause of Comparison:
Johan can speak English as fluently as his teacher.
An elephant is stronger than a rabbit.

Pengertian Noun Clause

Noun Clause adalah dependent clause yang berfungsi sebagainoun (kata benda). Klausa kata benda ini dapat berfungsi sebagai subjectmaupun object di dalam suatuclause atau phrase lain. Karena berfungsi sebagai kata benda, maka dapat digantikan dengan pronounit“.
Terdapat beberapa fungsi dan contoh noun clause, perhatikan contoh-contoh nya dibawah ini:
Noun Clause sebagai Subject Kalimat (subject of a sentences)
  • What he said doesn’t convince she at all. (Apa yang dia katakan tidak meyakinkannya sama sekali.)
  • How we becomes so rich makes me people curios. (Bagaimana dia menjadi begitu kaya, membuat orang-orang menjadi penasaran.)
  • What the salesman has said is untrue. (Apa yang sudah dikatakan oleh pedagang itu tidak benar.)
Noun Clause sebagai Object Verba Transitif (Object of a Transitif Verb)
  • I know what you mean. (Saya tahu apa yang kamu maksud.)
  • Please tell me what happened. (Tolong katakan padaku apa yang terjadi.)
  • She said that her daughter would study in Singapore. (Dia mengatakan bahwa putrinya akan belajar di Singapur.)

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